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       TUAN TRAN
                 TRẦN MẠNH TUẤN

I am a Specially Appointed Professor (tenured) at University of Science and Technology of China,

where I am a member of the Combinatorics Group.


I was a Young Scientist Fellow at Institute for Basic Science hosted by Sang-il Ouma Lecturer at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, a Feodor Lynen Fellow at ETH Zurich hosted

by Benny Sudakov, and a Postdoc at Czech Academy of Sciences ICS hosted by Diana Piguet.

I got my PhD in 2015 from Free University of Berlin under the guidance of Tibor Szabó.

My CV and Google Scholar.



School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China

96 Jinzhai Road, Hefei, 230026, Anhui, China

E-mail: trantuan [at] ustc [dot] edu [dot] cn

Fields of interest

Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics, Ramsey Theory, Additive Combinatorics, Discrete Geometry.


With Professor Van Vu, I co-organize the Application Driven Mathematics (ADM)  program. Mentors for the 2024 ADM, which will take place from July to December 2024, include Van Vu (Yale/VINIF/VinBigdata), Hoi Nguyen (OSU), Tan Nguyen (NUS), Nhat Ho (UT Austin), and myself.

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